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The Depot


  • 1869

    The Original Building The original Union Passenger Train Depot is built on our location in Duluth, Minnesota.

  • 1889

    Changes at The Depot The Northern Pacific Railroad Company and the St. Paul and Duluth Railroad Company join forces to organize the Union Depot Company. Preparatory construction work begins on a new Depot building.

  • 1891

    A Building in a Building The new Depot building is constructed around the original wooden structure, allowing the station to remain in operation.

  • 1892

    Grand Opening The new Depot building officially opens. Shortly after, the first carload of Mesabe ore arrives from the Mountain Iron mines.

  • 1918

    World War One The Depot serves as a crucial thoroughfare for American soldiers going to fight in World War One.

  • 1937

    Usage Dwindles Daily arrivals and departures of trains at The Depot declines from around 100 in its heyday to just 26.

  • 1966

    The End of an Era The Depot is vacated as rail transportation declines sharply and automobile and air transportation flourish. Talks begin to convert the building into a cultural center.

  • 1977

    The Arts & Cultural Center Opens The St. Louis County Depot Grand Opening is held, which includes the official unveiling of the new performing arts wing.

  • 2019

    Further County Investment St. Louis County hires an Executive Director for The Depot, a first in the building’s history. With renewed county investment comes building upgrades, design changes, and an updated mission and vision.

  • 2025

    The Depot Today The Depot is still home to the St. Louis County Arts & Cultural Center as well as seven different arts and cultural organizations.

Please consider donating to ensure the Depot stands for another century.