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The Depot


St. Louis County makes all reasonable efforts to ensure this website is accessible to all users. We strive to meet the accessibility standards required of Federal government web sites and the Priority One accessibility guidelines of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

If you should experience an accessibility problem with this website, please notify the St. Louis County Website Accessibility Coordinator by clicking on this link. If you should need information in alternate formats, the Website Accessibility Coordinator can help you obtain the alternate format.

If you have problems or general questions about the accessibility policy, use this email link to contact the Website Accessibility Coordinator.

Many of the documents and forms on this website are in “.pdf” or Portable Document Format.

To view or print some of the documents and forms on this web site, you’ll need “Acrobat Reader7” software from Adobe, Inc. or an equivalent “.pdf” reader, installed on your computer. If you don’t have a “.pdf” reader, Adobe Acrobat Reader is available for downloading free from the Adobe web site at: where you click on the “Get Acrobat Reader” button to reach the page with instructions for downloading and installing.

Acrobat Reader allows you to view and print documents prepared in ‘.pdf’ Portable Document Format. Adobe has complete downloading and installation instructions on their web site. For some documents, you may need to have version 4.0 or higher. We recommend all users update their Adobe Acrobat software to the newest version available from Adobe.

Acrobat Reader version 6.0 contains improved features for assistive technology software. If your version is older, you may want to download and install a newer version. Also, Adobe has information about various tools that can help make “.pdf” documents accessible. See:

St. Louis County makes all reasonable efforts to ensure that all web pages on our site and all of our applications are usable across various browsers and settings. However, our site is best viewed using the latest versions of modern browsers such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari, with a recommended screen resolution of 1440 x 900 pixels. If you experience any issues with a specific page or application, please provide details about the problem, and we will work to address it.

If you experience problems with any documents and need to obtain one of our forms or documents in paper version, or some other format, please contact the Website Accessibility Coordinator referencing the particular page you were viewing to request assistance.